Steel Manufacturing and Laser Cutting

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Working with metal often involves using high speed cutting machinery which inevitably produces metal and dust chips. Coolant has to be used in large amounts, to prevent machinery overheating, and this can lead to coolant mist and oil mist being released into the atmosphere. Welding machinery or laser cutting can also produce harmful dust and fumes. This can cause a health risk to anyone breathing in this toxic mixture. Indeed, a recent release (February 2019) from the Health and Safety Executive has stated that proven links have been found suggesting that even moderate exposure to welding fumes can cause lung cancer and possibly even kidney cancer. It is imperative that you ensure that your workers are fully protected. Remember that, as an employer, you are legally responsible to ensure that your workers are protected.

At Ductec we have the capability and experience to help your company overcome these issues, as we can design and install purpose-built ventilation systems to eliminate emissions at source. 

From welding arms ,mobile units and purpose built dust extraction systems we can provide exacatly what your require, designed and installed specifically for your needs.

Our experienced engineering teams will install your  system efficiently and with minimal disruption to your ongoing business activities.

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